From the Office
The office will be closed July 3rd-5th for all in person visits. July 3rd & 5th you may call the office number dur-ing business hours and the calls will be forwarded to Kelly’s cell phone, on the 4th you may leave a message and you’ll get a call back the next business day. Like always, in case of a park-like emergency after hours or on the holiday you can call the office number and follow the prompts to leave an emergency message and some-one will give you a call back shortly.
It’s hard to believe that July is already here and a heat wave is upon us. Please be safe, stay hydrated and keep an eye on your neighbors. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful pool area to take advantage of during hot droughts. Get your golf carts and bikes ready for the July 4th Parade at 1:00pm and then a potluck after with grilled hotdogs and hamburgers by our resident grill masters. Bring your favorite summer dish to pass. There will be a $25 gift card for most patriotic golf cart. Then it’s the Jimmy Buffet Party on July 20th at 5:00 pm being held inside and outside the Clubhouse! Our Mu-sic Man Steve Wilson will be our DJ. “Cheeseburger In Paradise” is our theme so, of course, there will be plenty of yummy, juicy cheeseburgers to go around. There will be event flyers posted in the mail houses with details soon. We are always looking for new creative ideas for activities such as dinners or maybe even a new game night so if you have a little bit of spare time, I would love to pick your brains and hear your thoughts. I will be having a meeting at the clubhouse on July 5th at 1pm to meet with those who are interested in sharing your thoughts. God Bless! Denise Hartman, CFA President
Text Broadcast
"Getting news to YOU!'
The office will soon implement the "text broadcast system" to improve communication with all residents. This system is still in trial phase, but our main goal is to enhance the distribution of information and news to the community. This text system will serve as a platform for sharing association event reminders and emergency notifications. Our goal is to ensure that all residents are well-informed and do not miss any important updates. We kindly request that you contact the office to verify that we have an accurate phone number for your household to enable text messaging.
"Senior" PROM
The senior prom dinner, dance, and festivities took place in May, graciously hosted by John and Ruth Mochel. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to them and all individuals who contributed to its remarkable success. Enclosed are images from the occasion. For any outstanding photo orders or inquiries, please contact the office, and we will assist in connecting you with Valerie Sherman, the designated photographer for the event.
Hey there! At Cadgewith, our group of residents gets together to organize and throw all sorts of events and activities. It really does take a community effort to make all these things happen. If you've got an idea for an event or some free time to lend a hand, just reach out to Denise, who's the president of the association. You can usually spot her and Sophie strolling through the park. Denise would be thrilled to hear your ideas and suggestions to ensure that all our events are enjoyable for everyone.
July 5th at 1pm there will be an open meeting in the Clubhouse for any upcoming events or event ideas. Feel free to stop in and listen or share your thoughts.
If you have any photos of past events or upcoming events, I would absolutely LOVE to include them in the expanded news for everyone to see! 📸 Please email them to Cadgewithfarm@gmail.com. And remember, if you need any assistance, just stop by the office or give us a call - we are here and ready to help you out! 🌟
Since we've added digital bulletin boards to the lobby and clubhouse. If you have any feedback on what you like seeing or what you don't care about, we'd love to hear it. We want to make sure you're getting the event info and news you want!
Our compost pile and brush piles are located out back at the barn. We have noticed that incorrect items are being placed in these piles. Your assistance in maintaining the correct items will greatly help our maintenance team and prevent unnecessary rework. Let's keep things organized and efficient!
Our burn pile is subject to regulation by the DeWitt Township Fire Department through a burn permit system. The department provides guidelines on permissible materials for burning, issues the necessary permits, and conducts inspections of our burn piles prior to and during burning activities. Failure to comply with the prescribed regulations may result in the revocation or non-renewal of our permit. Consequently, if burning is prohibited, disposal at the site is not allowed by residents, and alternative arrangements must be made by you(the resident), such as transporting the materials to Granger Waste Services and covering the associated fees.
Compost pile items must consist of organic, compostable materials such as dead flowers, items from flower pots, leaves, and grass clippings. Make sure to exclude trash, brown bags, flower pots, and sticks from the compost pile.
Items for the burn pile consist of untreated wooden materials, such as yard sticks and trimming brush. This does not encompass treated lumber or building materials containing nails, screws, or bolts.
View images of the signage indicating permissible items for stacking in piles, as well as materials removed from the burn pile.
Mail Stations
Just a quick heads-up that our mail folks would be super grateful if you could avoid tossing dog droppings into the trash cans at the mail stations. We get that it might seem convenient, but those cans don't get emptied daily, and it can get pretty stinky. Oh, and please steer clear of putting any food in there too, as it attracts unwanted pests. Thanks a bunch for your cooperation!
Water Reports
In compliance with Michigan state regulations, it is mandatory for individuals supplying water to a public group to furnish a consumer confidence report. This report encompasses water samples collected within the previous year along with their respective results, detailing the quality and source of the water system. Additionally, any instances of non-compliance with water-related matters are disclosed in the report. For more comprehensive information, please access the complete water report at: 2023 Cadgewith Farms Consumer Confidence Water Report.

I love that this was added to the Cadgewith Farms FaceBook site! It opened right up as soon as I went to the Newsletter posting! Thank you Emily & Kelly!