Leaf pick up will start the morning of October 29th at 9am. Please have leaves raked to the curb the day prior.
Leaf pick up schedule: November 5, 12, 26 & December 3rd (No pick up on November 19th)
Reminder: Leaves only, no yard waste (sticks, grass clippings, flowers, bushes and etc.) also don’t mulch leaves with your mower, it clogs the machine. Sticks & yard/plant debris need to be taken down to the compost/burn piles by resident. Maintenance will not be picking these up while doing leaves. Additionally all dates can change depending on weather.
Please try to pile leaves on curb like picture to the left. Notice the middle of the pile is on the curb. This makes the job easier on maintenance when sucking up the leaves, the vacuum only stretches so far.

ALL residents need to have their water shut off valves marked in the yard by either a water stick or some other marker during the winter months. Residents are required to know whwere thir shut off is at all times. This is in the Cadgewith Farms Rules & Regulations. In a event of a water emergency a $100.00 per hour charge will be fined to resident if valve is unmarked. If you need help finding your valve, please contact the office. You may see us in the yard taking pictures and documenting water shut offs.
Well, our Alaska journey was an amazing experience with all its rich, natural history and mountainous grandeur and , of course, it ended much too soon for us, just like our perfect summer with its shorter days and cooler nights. But our calendar is still busy going into fall (my favorite time of year) with lots of activities for the next couple of months.
Along with all of our regularly scheduled activities, keep an eye out for our extra and new activities:

Fall Craft Sale on Saturday, October 19, lead by Sharon Anderson and Linda Dickson. We wanted to bring back this event, and bring it back big! They’ve come up with a diverse selection of talented crafters and their fall, winter and holiday merchandise. There will be a bake sale, homemade cinnamon rolls, Hot Dogs for lunch and we’ll have several door prizes!
Trunk or Treat is back again this year on Saturday, Oct. 26, 2:00-4:00 p.m., hosted by Suzanne Phelps. This event is rain or shine. If shining outside, we will be in the clubhouse parking lot. Come with your vehicle, golfcart, self dresses in the sprit and with candy or treat for kids. This event is open to everyone. For rain we will move inside the clubhouse.

Monday, October 28, I’ll be hosting a special $5 card elimination night. This will make for much larger winnings for each game. I would love to see a record turnout of 40 people or more so grab your friends and neighbors and let’s play!
Suzanne is also organizing a Shipshewana shopping trip Wed. October 30, 8:30 a.m.. She’s renting a 12-passenger van and it’s $30 per person. First come first serve! We’ve already filled 3 spots! Check your mail houses for event details.
Nov 11, Veteran’s Day Luncheon more details to come.
November 21st, 6:00 p.m. Holiday/Winter Craft night 6:00
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Frank Wyzywany for his generous donation of a shiny, new laser printer to the Association. We are incredibly grateful. Your gift will make a significant impact on our community and your thoughtfulness will always be remembered.
Lastly, please, consider attending our CFA Meeting on October 10. We’ll be introducing our new board members and having an open discussion on Association dues, sharing valuable information to the community, announcing new and upcoming events and special committees. Refreshments provided.
God Bless you all! Denise Hartman, CFA President
Water updates
Unfortunately I wish I had a plant to up date to you all. But Emily, Jake, and the owners are still working with EGLE to get a plan on the radium. As soon as we get a plan we will let you all know.
Each month your start meter must be read. This is done by infinity billing typically within the first 15days of the month. The office does not know when they will show up. Cadgewith has asked them to wear an infinity billing logo shirt. But sometimes things not readable due to layered clothing. Also they tend to park the company vehicle at the office and walk the entire community. So you may be in aware they are around. They just walk up to each home and tape the black thing on the back of your home. (Some may be in a different location but most are in back.) With winter around the corner you may also notice foot prints in the snow around you home, or through back yards. Look around and notice if others have the same steps odds are they do and it was a meter reader.
How to start an event or request an event?
Your Cadgewith Farms association hosts events that are open to all members who have paid their dues. If you have any ideas, please inform Denise Hartman, the current president of the association. You can also attend a board meeting to share your ideas. The office requires a minimum of 5 interested residents for clubhouse use. Association events can use the clubhouse for free but must adhere to all clubhouse guidelines and are responsible for cleaning up afterward. Once you have planned your event and gathered interested members, the association will schedule a day and time and inform the office to add it to the calendar. This means that your event may not start for a few month. All events must be scheduled through the office calendar before they can take place. The office reserves the clubhouse for other events, so paying events have priority and association events may need to be rescheduled during the month. We strive to keep the Cadgewith website up to date, as Facebook may not always be reliable for the calendar.
RV storage lot
At present, there are approximately 8 individuals on the office's waiting list for an available spot. The RV lot operates on a first-come, first-served basis exclusively for residents. Should you vacate your lot and cease payment, the next person in line will be allocated the space. Similarly, if you depart for the winter without maintaining payments, the spot will be reassigned to the next person in line, requiring you to rejoin the queue upon your return. For further details, refer to the CF rules and regulations.
