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September News

Writer's picture: Emily PearsonEmily Pearson

Summer is slipping away! Make sure to get out and enjoy the pool while you still can. We’ll be closing the pool on September 3rd.



The Office will also be close Monday the 2nd for observance of the holiday.


Snowbirds and new residents, now is a good time to locate and mark your water shut off in your yard while the weather is still nice. If you end up having a water emergency and your shut off isn’t marked and covered with snow, management may charge $100.00 per hour to find unmarked valve.


Greetings Cadgewith Neighbors! Dick and I are gradually getting our house back in order after a lengthy stay of 2 lively, energetic and loving grandkids. We love and miss them so much! You all were so kind and helpful during their stay and it was deeply appreciated.

I hope you’re all enjoying our new Cadgewith Farms Live Photos being taken by Marty Allen. I look forward to her posts every morning on Facebook. And if you’re not on “Cadgewith Farms Community” Facebook, you are missing out on a lot of local happenings and fun. Type the above title into your search box on FB, it will pop up, answer required ques-tions and hit the join button. Only people who are listed as a resident in the Cadgewith Farms computer system will be approved. Emily is standing by and ready to add new residents to the site every day. You will get 100% of the info and news you need for upcoming events and activities on this site.

Cinnamon Roll Saturday was a huge success! Over 150 of those fresh, warm, out-of-the-oven, delectable treats were sold! So much fun! Thank you volunteers! We look forward to doing this again.

I apologize for the cancellation of Taco Tuesday. We needed to sell at least 40 tickets to make it a go.

Many events for September have changed, please be sure to double check time and dates on the calendar. Addition-ally watch for updates and changes on Facebook and mail house for flyers.

  • Sept. 2nd Labor day parade. Line up at clubhouse noon. Picnic to follow at the clubhouse, hotdogs will be funrished. Please bring a dish to pass.

  • Sept. 4th Association Meeting at 7pm to elect new board members to empty positions, all residents enouraged to come and cast your vote.

  • Sept. 6th Flu Shot Clinic, contact Pam Jackson to schedule your appointment (517) 881-0947. Held at the clubhouse, provided by sams club by appointment.

  • Sept. 7th Community Wide Garage Sale, contact Denise for additional information (517) 420-1438 or the office to rent tables ($5 per table)

  • Sept. 19th Fall Craft Class, contact Marsha Baldacci (847) 344-6173 before Sept.15th to join ($3 fee) see below samples of the craft.

  • Sept. 20th Silent Auction has been canceled

  • Oct. 19th is a Fall Craft Sale contact Sharon Anderson (517) 614-6669

  • Oct 26th Trunk or Treat at office clubhouse

God Bless you all! Denise Hartman, CFA President


What is neighborhood watch? A neighborhood watch programs is a group of volunteers living in the same area who want to make their neighborhood safer by working together to reduce crime and improve quality of life. We’re very thankful for our volunteers, but alway looking for more help. Espically during winter months when many head south. If you have an hour a week to make a drive around the park we'd love to have you join. Come to any assocaition event and we will help point you in the right direction.


We ask that the apple trees out front are picked by residents only. Please be courteous and pick the apples that your going to use. There shouldn’t be persons filling extra large bags, buckets and so on full of apples. If so please contact the office and leave a message. We appreciate your help and hope you enjoy!


Water update

The Owners & Emily are working on a solution with the radium in the water. Emily does not have an news on exactly what is going to be done, but they want to assure the residents they are working diligently on a plan. We thank-you for the patience.


Text Broadcasting

We have been sending some text broadcasts. Though a few weeks were not sent and we are unsure why(they are prescheduled monthly to go to residents). This is still a work in progress as we all figure out the best way to work with the system. Some feed back we have recieved is they are very lengthly so we are working to change them and will not include all the weekly events rather the few "new" or un regular events. As well as new upcoming events.


A few Cadgewith Farms Rule reminders:

NO TREES are allowed to be planted!

Per the revised rule update for 2024, No trees are allowed to be planted within Cadgewith Farms. Maintenance is spending about 1/2 the year working on trees. Any trees planted without authorization will be removed.

Page 17 of the Cadgewith Farms Rules & Regulations states:

Planting trees: Cadgewith Farms is not allowing any more trees to be planted at this time. The ONLY exception is if the yard has no trees in it. If that is the case you may contact the office on planting a tree which will be from an approved list, resident will pay for the cost of tree. Placement for the tree will be determined by Cadgewith Staff.

Selling your home? Reminder an inspection is required.

What inspections are required?

  Just one. The state of Michigan and Michigan Manufactured housing require the Park/Management to inspect a few water connections (exterior spickots, water softener, and any other potential cross connections). Secondly working smoke alarms must be present and checked, with a 10lb A:B:C fire extinguisher. The alarms and extinguisher must stay within the home when sold.


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