Note from the Office
We are excited to announce that we have two new TV’s, one in the office lobby and the other in the club-house for digital updates. Our hopes is that these will catch residents attention for upcoming community events and keep everyone more informed. For those who previously would bring up flyers for the board, you can either email those to cadgewithfarm@gmail.com or bring them to the office to scan and be added to the display. If you don’t have a flyer, no worries, contact the office with the information and we can put something together for you. Additionally if you have pictures from community events, we can add those too!
Maintenance has started chopping away at the very large tree list. During this time please be aware that there may be road closures at times and you’ll need to seek an alternate route. If you notice cones in the road, our trucks and tractors, please go another way. Our guys may be dropping a tree in the road, chip-ping wood and so on. This is for everyone's safety! They also wear ear protection because the equipment is very loud and cannot hear you. So, please don’t approach them. We appreciate your patience while this gets completed.
Clubhouse Rentals
Did you know that clubhouse is available to rent for your private events? Renting the clubhouse in-volves a $100 rental fee and a $100 deposit. You get use of the clubhouse/kitchen for the entire day and it seats up to 120 people. Clubhouse rentals are for residents only. Also no alcohol is per-mitted and the pool cannot be used during the rental. Please contact the office or log into your res-ident account to request a booking. You can also view the clubhouse availability on our calendar located on the Cadgewithfarms.info site under the residents tab.
Reminder Daylight Savings Time Starts March 10th
CFA Update
CFA board meetings will start back up April 19th at 6pm which is a Friday. Denise wasn’t sure if she could make it back in time for the usual 2nd Thursday of the month meeting. If your interested in being part of the Cadgewith Farms Association, it’s a $5 per person yearly due. This can be paid at any association meeting or pancake breakfast to the treasurer Tom Sawatzki. Sounds like there’s going to be snacks and a lot to discuss so plan on attending!
Need a photogapher for upcoming "Senior Prom". Contact John Mochel at 352/467-4831 for details.